Self-Care for Yoga Teachers

Elena Brower teacher avatar
Level 1-2 - 30 min
As a teacher, it's easy to let your personal practice slide. But it's vital to replenish the energy you give to your students and continue to evolve the guidance that you share with the world. This program was designed to provide yoga teachers with an efficient and effective method of daily self-care. Featuring nurturing movement and focused introspection, you'll take time to experience yoga just for yourself, and amplify the wisdom of your inner voice.
As a teacher, it's easy to let your personal practice slide. But it's vital to replenish the energy you give to your students and continue to evolve the guidance that you share with the world. This program was designed to provide yoga teachers with an efficient and effective method of daily self-care. Featuring nurturing movement and focused introspection, you'll take time to experience yoga just for yourself, and amplify the wisdom of your inner voice.
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Week 1


Level 1-2 30 mins

Focus on creating space in your body that you can fill with nurturing breath. Begin by opening your lungs and stretching gently, then move through several traditional sun salutations and dynamic standing poses, remaining focused on your breathing. Close your practice with savasana, breathwork and a seated meditation. You'll explore the capacity of your interior spaces in order to open you up to your full potential. Props Suggested: A blanket.


Level 1-2 30 mins

This class is all about remembrance, and will focus on magnetizing energy towards your spine. Turn your attention to your central axis as you move through hip openers and balance in half moon. You'll stretch out your back and lengthen your hamstrings, noticing the stability the spine creates. Your practice concludes with an expansive savasana and seated breathwork, to remind you of the magnificence of this practice. Props Suggested: A blanket.


Level 1-2 30 mins

Tap into your life force energy to distribute vitality throughout your entire body. Feel the aliveness of every cell as you flow through cross-referenced sun salutations and stimulate your lymphatic system by stirring your arms as you lunge. You'll generate a tremendous amount of energy with maha mudra and an active paschimottanasana, then lie down to let it all soak in. Props Suggested: A blanket.


Level 1-2 30 mins

Gain the confidence to grow by first connecting to your center. This flow will build strength and stability at your core, then encourage you to expand outward with gate, camel and hanumanasana prep. You'll build creative power in the center of your body, then allow that energy to radiate outward. Wind your practice down with gentle supine stretches, then end with a brief seated meditation. Props Suggested: A blanket.


Level 1-2 30 mins

Explore your body's most subtle realms in order to draw out your pranic energy. Tune into the awakened and connected body beyond your muscles and bones as you move you through planks with abdominal work, lunges and half moon. Use your subtle energy to stay buoyant as you flow through vayu salutes, then let the prana circulate as you rest in savasana. Props Suggested: A blanket.


Level 1-2 30 mins

Learn to keep your inner body quiet and still, even as things intensify externally. You'll move swiftly throughout a brisk practice while remaining calm inside. Warm your body with some vinyasas, then flow through strong warrior variations. Get a deep stretch with pigeon and gomukhasana, then end your practice with some reclined twists and savasana. Props Suggested: A blanket.


Level 1-2 30 mins

Create space within so you can hear your inner voice leading the way. This is your practice, your time and your space. Nurture and respect your inner voice, so you can give your body what it needs. You'll flow through a sequence including warrior variations, triangle and half moon, work your core, then conclude your practice with bridge and full wheel. Settle into a final savasana, pranayama practice and meditation, and listen to the whispers of your intuition. Props Suggested: A blanket.

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