Skills & Drills: Circuits for Strength

Rocky Heron teacher avatar
Level 2-3 - 30 min
This fun and fast-paced program uses circuit drills to enhance strength, coordination, and mobility. With creative variations on traditional movements, you'll ignite muscles not usually accessed through asana. These exercises require a unique set of props and a slippery floor, so be sure to read each description and get creative with the items you have around you. Although modifications will be given throughout, get ready for a challenging and sweat-inducing workout!
  • strap,
  • blanket,
  • 2 blocks
This fun and fast-paced program uses circuit drills to enhance strength, coordination, and mobility. With creative variations on traditional movements, you'll ignite muscles not usually accessed through asana. These exercises require a unique set of props and a slippery floor, so be sure to read each description and get creative with the items you have around you. Although modifications will be given throughout, get ready for a challenging and sweat-inducing workout!
  • strap,
  • blanket,
  • 2 blocks
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Week 1


Level 2-3 30 mins

Establish the foundations of your strength practice by exploring the fundamental bodyweight skills used throughout this program. After warming up your body, move through three circuits of pushups, squats, diver pushups and core work, finishing each exercise with an isometric (static) hold. With progressive options for all levels, you'll challenge the muscles of your arms, back, legs and core. Cool down with sama vritti (equal breathing) to calm your nervous system and leave your mat feeling strong and centered. Props Needed: A strap.


Level 2-3 30 mins

Leap into plyometric training, using dynamic jumping movements to create elasticity throughout your body's tissues, and increase your metabolism and heart rate variability. Begin by slowly stretching your shoulders, wrists and calves before building to a plyometric version of surya namaskar, also known as a "burpee namaskar." Challenge yourself with a sweat-inducing HIIT circuit to round out the class, maintaining patience and consistent effort.


Level 2-3 30 mins

Slide back into action with a series of eccentric mobility drills based on familiar yoga poses. You'll use wide-range movements in your shoulders and pelvis to create length and broaden your wingspan. Prepare your body with gentle stretching and movement before gliding through a dynamic circuit of simple, yet potent exercises that will work your shoulders, lats, biceps and triceps. Make sure you have a wood floor and a blanket nearby or grab some paper plates for sliders to get the same result. Props Needed: A blanket or paper plates. Props Suggested: A block.

Week 2


Level 2-3 30 mins

Awaken your deep stabilizer muscles with creative pushup variations utilizing two blocks. This powerful circuit will develop chest and back strength, coordinated core stability and glute power. Cool down with gentle seated and supine stretching, allowing your tissues the chance to adapt as you build strength and stamina throughout your body. Props Needed: Two blocks.


Level 2-3 30 mins

Access your inner animal with this sweaty, two-part practice. Begin with a creative leg and core sequence to develop coordinated hip and abdominal strength. Next, build a circuit of explosive animalistic movements, raising your heart rate and bouncing your prana around. Return to equilibrium with ujjayi breathing and gentle stretching, taking savasana to conclude if you are able. Props Suggested: A strap and blanket.


Level 2-3 30 mins

Mobilize your legs in all three planes using dynamic movements to increase range of motion in your hips. Begin with knee and hip openers before moving on to isometric holds, rotational movements and sliding stretches. Apply these movements to hanumanasana (splits) with some creative, hip-enhancing variations. You'll need a slippery floor and a blanket or towel, but if you have carpet, a couple of paper plates will do the trick. Props Needed: A blanket or paper plates. Props Suggested: Two blocks.

Week 3


Level 2-3 30 mins

Use slow and steady motion to emphasize the eccentric phase of movement, when your muscles are lengthening rather than contracting. Lowering slowly further develops your muscle tissues, creating the type of strength required by many yoga poses. Warm up your spine, shoulders and hips to prepare for a circuit of slow, but powerful whole-body exercises. Mindfully modulate each release and feel yourself growing longer and stronger with every movement. Props Suggested: A block.


Level 2-3 30 mins

Expand upon the foundational plyometric skills you've learned to include asymmetrical jumping and spinning in three planes. Map these skills during the first half of the session before building an endurance and coordination circuit full of creative movements. This nonstop class offers plenty of modifications throughout, so bring a playful attitude and get ready to have fun!


Level 2-3 30 mins

Practice a repeating circuit of blanket drills to focus strength through the lateral and spiral lines of the body, concentrating on the core. Challenge yourself with lateral slides and dynamic variations of plank, intersecting the core in innovative ways and helping to connect the hemispheres of your body. You'll need a slippery floor with a blanket or towels, but if you're on carpet you can use paper plates for most of the drills. Props Needed: Two blocks and a blanket or paper plates. Props Suggested: A yoga mat.

Week 4


Level 2-3 30 mins

Focus on one drill at a time in this straightforward, non-circuit strength class. You'll perform three sets of each drill with one minute of rest in between. This is no frills, disciplined work to create focused strength and stamina. Begin by warming up the shoulders, neck and spine before beginning a continuous sequence of bodyweight drills to increase muscle size and endurance. Take this time to appreciate where you're at and how far your effort has taken you. Props Needed: A strap.


Level 2-3 30 mins

Explore creative new ways to move and strengthen your body using deconstructed sun salutations and unconventional shoulder movements. After awakening and asymmetrically working your upper body, move on to a series of full-range kicking movements to create explosive power and flexibility in your lower body. Have patience and a sense of humor as you get into the rhythm of moving your body in unusual ways. As you challenge your coordination skills you'll create new neural pathways in your brain, and get an awesome workout to boot! Props suggested: A strap.


Level 2-3 30 mins

Enhance your backbend practice with this dynamic drill-based sequence that will stabilize your shoulders, back and lower body. Use strength to facilitate opening in the heart before completing a series of backbend poses that include wheel variations and wheel pushups. Take advantage of these unique loads and forces and remember that open hearts require strength to stay shining bright. You'll need a wood floor and a blanket for this class, but if you're on carpet grab some paper plates to help you slide. Props Needed: Two blocks, a strap and a blanket or paper plates.

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