Choose Your Flow, Balance Your Energy

Dice Iida-Klein teacher avatar
Level 1-2 - 45 min
Whether you’re feeling sluggish or overly stimulated, use your practice to get an energetic upgrade. This program will help you flow with your current energy level, and draw closer to a more harmonious state. Check in with yourself and choose the class that brings out the quality you need most—all roads lead toward equilibrium.
Whether you’re feeling sluggish or overly stimulated, use your practice to get an energetic upgrade. This program will help you flow with your current energy level, and draw closer to a more harmonious state. Check in with yourself and choose the class that brings out the quality you need most—all roads lead toward equilibrium.
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Week 1


Level 1-2 45 mins

For those days when you're feeling sluggish or stagnant, this class will feed the dormant fire within. Begin with kapalabhati breathing to kickstart your engine, then flow through plenty of standing and hands-down postures linked by your breath. Allow vibrant energy to rise up and circulate through your body, then end with seated stretches and savasana.


Level 1-2 45 mins

When you have an abundance of energy, this practice will help bring it into balance with grounding asanas and longer holds. Calm frenetic energy with nadi shodhana pranayama, then flow through a sequence incorporating lower-to-the-ground postures like malasana and lizard lunge. By the end of this class, you'll be feeling level enough to take it to the mat for a leisurely supine twist and savasana.


Level 1-2 45 mins

If you're already feeling pretty balanced and content, this is the practice for you! Expect an even dose of standing, seated and hands-down postures in this all-around flow. Begin with a little kapalabhati breathing followed by nadi shodhana to keep things steady. You'll smooth out your energy without taking it too far in either direction, then finish with your choice of reclined postures.

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