Week 1
Let's begin by gaining a deeper understanding of our breathing and connecting to all its vibratory sensations. We'll cover basic terms and anatomy such as, "palette," "Ganesha belly," and "kidney wings," then try out a breath practice called Ujjayi.
The breath can take on many rhythms and forms. Let's continue our Ujjayi breathing, noticing the patterns we create. We'll practice integrating a pause into our breathing, then see what happens we change our posture from seated to reclined.
Week 2
Using the smooth breath we cultivated in the previous classes, we'll learn to control the svara -- the flow of air to the left and right sides of the brain. We'll recline on our left and right sides to control each nostril and draw our awareness to each hemisphere of the brain. Next, we'll practice a breathing technique to activate those hemispheres, while learning what benefits each side provides.
Now that we've learned about the two sides of the brain, we'll practice balancing them with nadi shodhana (alternate nostril breathing). We'll also learn how to retain the breath by engaging Jalandhara bandha (chin lock), a way to direct and contain energy within you. Through these practices, we'll experience how a conscious shift in our breathing can create a profound shift in our state of mind.

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