- 1 bolsters,
- 1 blankets,
- 1 chairs,
- 1 wall spaces,
- 2 straps
Welcome your retreat weekend with a relaxing sequence of poses designed to open your hips and relieve tension in your lower back. Slow all the way down with two restful versions of savasana that will ensure a peaceful evening ahead.
Gently wake and greet the morning with calming Surya Bhedana breathwork. This simple breathing technique awakens the sun channel (or surya nadi) and releases excess energy, allowing you to start your day with clarity and lightness. Props Suggested: A blanket to sit on.
Wake up with cleansing and stimulating kapalabhati breathing to begin your day feeling grounded and clear. Props Suggested: A blanket to sit on.
Use a chair as you flow to get deeper into poses like warrior 2, extended side angle, and revolved triangle. Feel strong and expansive in supported chest openers like bridge and experience a lovely supported shoulderstand. Props Needed: A foldable chair, a bolster, a blanket, and wall space.
Use a chair to open your body in incredible ways as you steadily deepen into backbends and inversions. Explore supported versions of shalabasana, viparita dandasana, pincha mayurasana, and urdhva dhanurasana and finish feeling open, free, and mentally focused to start a new week. Props Needed: A strap, a bolster, a blanket, a chair, and wall space.

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