Week 1
Become more aware of your inner landscape by connecting with your breath. This first class will introduce some of the basic breathing techniques and mantras (phrases) used in Kundalini yoga. You'll begin with a Kundalini-inspired warm up to loosen your body before settling into some long deep breathing. Class will conclude with a meditation practiced lying on your back, as you soak in the effects of this new practice. Props Suggested: A bolster or blanket.
Prepare yourself to meet life's challenges by creating strength from the inside out. Learn how to move from your center and generate energy from your navel, your place of personal power. You'll build gentle heat in your core through breath and movement before lying on your back to absorb the effects of the practice. Props Suggested: A bolster or blanket.
Learn a simple meditation technique to help you come home to your heart. Center and ground yourself by focusing on your breath before moving through a few sweet and powerful kriyas. Practice culminates with the Meditation for a Calm Heart, to allow you to connect deeply with yourself. Props Suggested: A bolster or blanket.
Week 2
Learn about Kundalini energy, the creative power we all possess, and how you can affect it with your breath. You'll experience a powerful technique called Breath of Fire that will energize your body and balance your immune system. This transformational practice will help you rise to the challenging energy of our times and create greater overall health and happiness. Props Suggested: A bolster or blanket.
Build focus, heat and strength as you connect with the flow of energy in your body. Begin with gentle Kundalini-inspired movements to warm up your core, then move through a series of empowering kriyas that will open your heart and create grounded strength. You'll tone your abdominals and boost your mood with this brightening and invigorating class. Props Suggested: A bolster or blanket.
Learn to cultivate grace and ease through the power of your breath. This class will really start to build heat as you stoke your energy with a stronger Breath of Fire. You'll create expansion with a Kundalini-inspired warmup, then transition to a state of energized stillness as you work on clearing your emotional energy. Props Suggested: A bolster or blanket.
Week 3
Learn about the aura, your radiant body, and how it affects your energy and presence. Begin with a standing Kundalini-inspired warmup then connect with your auric field through a series of deep breathing techniques that create calm and balance. You'll open and expand your energetic field and walk away feeling energized and luminous.
Come home to the radiant energy and vitality within you. You'll learn a dynamic kriya that will strengthen your entire auric field while stimulating the energy of your immune system and heart center. This class will build internal power, so you can really feel yourself dropping into the practice. Props suggested: A blanket.
Experience your own radiance by learning to illuminate your electromagnetic field. This final class will bring together the connection, energy and radiance of Kundalini yoga to unite you with your universal self. You'll leave this practice with awareness of your own infinite potential, luminosity and grace. Props Suggested: A bolster or blanket.

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