Core Confidence

Marc Holzman teacher avatar
Level 2-3 - 10 min
True confidence comes from your core, your center of power, determination, and vibrancy. These quick and intense 10-minute practices will progressively work your full circumference. You'll amplify familiar core-activating poses with dynamic variations and challenging holds. Fire up your personal power generator to feel unstoppable, on your mat and in the world.
  • block
True confidence comes from your core, your center of power, determination, and vibrancy. These quick and intense 10-minute practices will progressively work your full circumference. You'll amplify familiar core-activating poses with dynamic variations and challenging holds. Fire up your personal power generator to feel unstoppable, on your mat and in the world.
  • block
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Week 1


Level 2-3 10 mins

Bring your awareness to your navel in this intense class designed to tighten up your central core! Warm up with cat/cows before heading into plank work, variations of supine crunches and urdhva prasarita padasana with a block. Props Needed: A block.


Level 2-3 10 mins

Zoom through fast repetitions of circuits that work your obliques and side body. You'll repeat some movements from the first class, but this time take them up a notch. After beginning in tabletop, light up your core with downdog to plank variations, forearm planks and variations of supine crunches. Props Needed: A block.


Level 2-3 10 mins

Complete your circumferential exploration of the core with poses that target your lower back. You'll use slow, deliberate movements to create a steady burn in locust, chair variations and forearm planks. Now that you've worked your way around your core, you can continue to repeat these classes to progressively build strength. Props Suggested: A block.

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