- blanket
Week 1
Today is the day you create a language around your core body so you may identify and command your inner self with more confidence. Build a strong foundation from the ground up! This step-by-step "crunches free" experience will also focus on strong and healthy wrists, shoulders and upper back to achieve the outcome you desire. Take it slow to master core movement and awareness, then you can ramp up the pace later. Let's go!
Now use the vocabulary you learned and apply it to a more physical practice. The goal of this session is to reveal what your core is hiding, both the imbalances and hidden strengths. Take your core practice to new levels simply by turning up your awareness and by focusing on your efficiency. Grab two blocks for this class if you'd like more of a challenge.
Now that you are aware of your hidden weaknesses and strengths, you can start to have some fun! Experience a 360 degree core body workout, without the destabilization that comes with a typical core toning routine. Come into this challenging session ready to explore a new side of your strength and a more playful mindset. Props Needed: A block.
Call upon your primal senses to access your deepest core integration yet! Using your body's innate wisdom to move through space, summon a core strength like never before. You will need a slippery floor and a blanket or towel, but if you have carpet, a couple of paper plates will do the trick. Come ready to sweat and cover some ground. Props Needed: A blanket.
Week 2
A lot can come up when you are exploring your core body in new ways. Possibly waves of emotions like fear, frustration, joy, excitement, or maybe a mix. This is a normal part of the process. You are going deep into a part of you that feels it all, and the invitation is to allow yourself to be in that space so you may see with greater clarity what's really at the core of you. Today you will push yourself to go to your edge revealing what you are really capable of. Props Needed: Two blocks.
By now you understand that to work your core properly you must summon the strength of your entire body. But are you activating unnecessary muscles? In this session, focus on the overflow of energy. Overflow happens when you tense other muscles that don't need to be used for proper alignment and stability. Learn to use what is necessary and drop the tension from the rest. Begin in savasana for a body scan, before going into a full-out session. Props Needed: Two blocks.
Your core is now wide awake and asking to be put to the test. Be courageous while you step toward your edge with poses that require balancing on one hand, floating transitions and powerful postures like extended leg scale pose. Grab two blocks, a blanket or two paper plates, and be prepared to challenge your balance, stamina, patience and persistence. Let's just say, when you laugh tomorrow, your abs will remember this class. Props Needed: Two blocks and a blanket.
Celebrate your new found strength with this full-on core focused sequence that moves you through familiar and new asanas. This session is meant to integrate all that you've been working towards these last two weeks. Rejoice in your devotion to this self-love practice, and what better way to celebrate than to sweat!

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