Yoga conditioning & exercise classes

Whether you’re just getting started or have lots of experience, Glo has classes at every level, in a diverse range of styles.

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Whether you’re just getting started or have lots of experience, Glo has classes at every level, in a diverse range of styles.

Yoga Conditioning

A blend of creative yoga sequences with strength training and mobility work

Glo’s Yoga Conditioning blends dynamic strength training and functional mobility practices with creative yoga sequences. You’ll experience holistic benefits, like enhancing your confidence, building stamina, and improving aerobic capacity. Glo’s Yoga Conditioning classes vary, with mixes of high-intensity intervals, Pilates exercises, and often the use of supportive or intensifying props. This is an excellent style for those familiar with common yoga techniques and looking to increase physical fitness or need targeted practices to aid recovery and agility in a particular area.


Level 2-3 20 mins

This fun, higher-intensity Yoga Conditioning class sparks your energy (like a cappuccino without the jitters!) and leaves you feeling strong, sweaty, and accomplished. Get pumped up in a creative sequence with core work, Sun Salutations, Jumping Jacks, Warrior III, Warrior II, Flip Dog, Goddess Pose, and One-Legged Bridge. This class previously aired on July 19, 2024.


Level 2-3 30 mins

This class is designed to help you walk through life feeling more confident. Tap into your power while flowing through Forearm Plank, Standing Archer Pose, Side Plank, Low Lunge, Lightning Warrior, Warrior II, Knee and Toe Taps, and Child’s Pose. Explore how your strength can guide you to move with more ease. This class previously aired on July 19, 2024.


Level 2 30 mins

Fire up your entire core in this strengthening flow that provides something for everyone to focus on the abs, back, and side body. Practice variations in Boat Pose, Cat/Cow, Super Person, Side Plank, and Bridge, finding a modification that suits you today. This class previously aired on July 10, 2024.


Level 3 45 mins

This full-body Yoga Conditioning practice slows the flow to build power in transitions from posture to posture. Explore a challenging sequence with Low Plank, Tiger Curl variations, Wild Thing, Fallen Star, and Wheel Pose to finish feeling strong in body and mind. This class previously aired on July 7, 2024.


Level 2 20 mins

This gentle mixed-modality class stretches and activates your muscles to support your flexibility, stamina, and balance. You’ll focus on the mind-body connection as you root down in grounding postures and stand taller to feel more open and toned. Highlights include Sun Salutation variations, Eagle Pose, Standing Split, Three-Legged Dog, Side Planks, and an arm series. This class previously aired on June 27, 2024.


Level 2-3 30 mins

This challenging Yoga Conditioning class incorporates HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) into Sun Salutation variations to build extra stamina and strength. Explore Skier Swings, Jumping Lunges, Burpees, and Bird Dogs as you flow through Salutations to finish feeling powerful and sweaty. This class previously aired on May 10, 2024.


Level 2-3 30 mins

This Yoga Conditioning class conditions your body with strengthening poses *and* conditions your mind to access power. It’s a perfect class to return for building full-body vigor and resilience that relates to your yoga practice. Move briskly through Tiger Curl, Saddle Squat, Warrior III, High Lunge, Hero Pose, Camel Pose, and Wide-Legged Forward Fold. This class previously aired on March 13, 2024.


Level 1-2 30 mins

This refreshing hybrid class supports joint health; it's a great practice to get your body moving and blood pumping or to prepare for a longer workout. Explore CARs (controlled articular rotations, a functional conditioning training method) for the neck, spine, shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles, plus Sun Salutations. This class previously aired on March 13, 2024.


Level 2-3 30 mins

Work up a sweat and focus your mind in this Yoga Conditioning class that emphasizes activating muscles before big poses. Embrace that powerful pause while moving through Sun Salutations, Tree Pose, Revolved Triangle, Handstand, Crow Pose, and Wheel Pose, then cool down in Thread The Needle. This class previously aired on February 27, 2024.


Level 2-3 45 mins

Build heat and endurance with this challenging, full-body flow that adds weights for extra intensity and keeps you on your toes. Break a sweat in Crescent Lunge, Temple Pose, Triangle, Chair Pose, and Bear Pose before winding down in deep stretches. There’s a special surprise at the end, so stick with it! This class previously aired on February 6, 2024.


Level 2 30 mins

Work up a healthy sweat while flowing through this full-body sequence that uses weights for extra resistance. Practice Utkatasana (Chair Pose), Warrior II, Side Angle, Temple Pose, Skandasana, Warrior III, and Bridge Pose to feel stronger and lighter in your hips, heart, and entire being. This class previously aired on January 2, 2024.


Level 2-3 45 mins

Combine HIIT (high-intensity interval training) exercises with a Vinyasa flow sequence in this uplifting Yoga Conditioning class. Warm up with gentle Sun Salutations, then use weights and a resistance band in Crescent, Plank, Curtsy Lunges, Skandasana, Temple, and Triangle variations. Cool down in Reclined Twist and Pigeon. This class previously aired on December 21, 2023.

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