Yoga conditioning & exercise classes

Whether you’re just getting started or have lots of experience, Glo has classes at every level, in a diverse range of styles.

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Whether you’re just getting started or have lots of experience, Glo has classes at every level, in a diverse range of styles.

Yoga Conditioning

A blend of creative yoga sequences with strength training and mobility work

Glo’s Yoga Conditioning blends dynamic strength training and functional mobility practices with creative yoga sequences. You’ll experience holistic benefits, like enhancing your confidence, building stamina, and improving aerobic capacity. Glo’s Yoga Conditioning classes vary, with mixes of high-intensity intervals, Pilates exercises, and often the use of supportive or intensifying props. This is an excellent style for those familiar with common yoga techniques and looking to increase physical fitness or need targeted practices to aid recovery and agility in a particular area.


Level 2 20 mins

This practice includes 10 minutes of straightforward hip openers and 10 minutes of straightforward shoulder openers. It’s a satisfying way to find space in your body after a workout. Postures include Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose), Low Lunge with a quad stretch, an Ankle-To-Knee Pose variation, Eagle Arms, and a chest opener. This class previously aired on January 22, 2025.


Level 2 30 mins

This Yoga Conditioning class combines strength training and flexibility-boosting postures for a focused, fortifying practice. Start with a dynamic quad and upper body stretch, then move briskly through Lunge to Runner’s Stretch, Sumo Squat to Overhead Press, Row variations, Good Morning Squats, Eagle Crunches, and The Pilates Hundred. Option to add 5 or 8 lb. weights, though body weight is sufficient. This class previously aired on January 6, 2025.


Level 2 20 mins

Challenge the full circumference of your core in this class that blends conditioning moves and yoga poses. Find strength in an energizing flow with Forearm Plank, Revolved Crescent, Side Plank, Extended Side Angle, and backbend variations. You'll get a powerful core workout while maintaining the integrity of your yoga practice.


Level 2 30 mins

This class safely builds full-body strength and stability, with options to add light hand weights (5 lbs. max) or for bodyweight-only exercises. Repeated sequences give the feel of a true workout while upholding the values of a yoga practice. Highlights include Bird Dog, Push Ups, Warriors, Dog Split to Lunge, Side Plank Crunches, arm work, and ab work; a wall or couch is needed for Leg Swings. This class previously aired on November 25, 2024.


Level 2 30 mins

Get moving and grooving in this Yoga Conditioning practice that blends HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) into the flow to remind you of your strength and power. Explore Sun Salutations with Mountain Climbers, Plank Jacks, Split Squats, Jumping Lunges, and core work, then cool down in Supine Twist and Savasana. This class previously aired on October 28, 2024.


Level 2 30 mins

This effective Yoga Conditioning class builds sustainable strength and awareness in your glutes and hips. You’ll utilize blocks and creative alignment cues in a sweaty sequence with Bridge, Chair, Runner’s Lunge, Shiva Squats, Side Angle Pose, and Horse Pose, then finish with satisfying myofascial release. This class previously aired on September 13, 2024.


Level 2 30 mins

Lengthen and strengthen your entire body in this Yoga Conditioning class that offers the opportunity to incorporate weights into your practice (bodyweight-only is also great!). Warm up with shoulder-openers and hip cradles, then power through Walking Lateral Lunges, Plank to Down Dog, Dynamic Lunge Twist, and Chair variations before finishing with Pilates ab work and seated stretches. This class previously aired on September 7, 2024.


Level 2-3 20 mins

This fun fusion workout combines yoga, Pilates, and HIIT elements to challenge your muscles and mind. Explore an energizing sequence with Sun Salutation variations, Planks, glute work, Crescent Lunge, C-Curve ab work, and hip-opening stretches. This class previously aired on August 29, 2024.


Level 2-3 30 mins

Keep yourself in gear and in shape — body and mind — with this Yoga Conditioning class that stretches and strengthens your entire body. Explore creative variations in familiar yoga postures to make strength training accessible and understandable. Start with Squats and Lunges, leading into Planks, Dolphin Push Ups, and ab work, then finish with Bridge or Wheel, and Anjaneyasana to cool down. Props are welcome, but body weight is plenty. This class previously aired on August 17, 2024.


Level 2 30 mins

Flow through Sun Salutation variations and Warrior sequences to condition your body. This practice incorporates dynamic movements to build heat and get your blood pumping. Try pairing it with Divya’s Condition Your Mind Meditation for full mind-body effects. This class previously aired on August 15, 2024.


Level 2 20 mins

Calling all runners! This practice builds mindful strength that supplements your running routine in a thoughtful, higher-intensity Yoga Conditioning sequence. It’s a great class for your no-run days or after a light jog. Flow briskly through Airplane Pose (a Warrior III variation), Plank, Side Angle, Skandasana (Side Lunge), Side Plank, and core work. This class previously aired on August 6, 2024.


Level 2-3 30 mins

Improve your strength and agility in this Yoga Conditioning class that embraces movement patterns and exercises not usually included in a regular yoga flow. Start with a moment of quiet, then launch into a fun, sweaty sequence with modifications to increase or decrease the challenge. Highlights include Lolasana (Pendant Pose), Duck Walk, Squat to Stand, Plank Side Kicks, Tabletop, Bridge Crunches, and Lizard with arm variations. This class previously aired on July 28, 2024.

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