Flowing postures linked together using breath.
Vinyasa is a Sanskrit term often employed to describe a broad range of yoga styles. Vinyasa can be decoded from its root words Nyasa denoting "to place" and vi denoting "in a special way." It symbolizes a flowing, dynamic form of yoga, where postures are linked together using breath.
Welcome to your new daily flow. This go-to practice focuses on four essential movements that your body requires to stay strong and mobile: core strengthening, back strengthening, hip mobility, and shoulder mobility. The energizing sequence includes variations in Plank, Sun Salutations, Pigeon, and standing poses. This class previously aired on January 13, 2025.
Explore what it feels like to give your full attention to practice. This challenging Vinyasa flow encourages you through lots of Sun Salutations, standing postures, several versions of Hanumanasana (Splits), and Side Crow in order to experience both power and rest. Standing postures include Dog Splits, High Lunges, and Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle). Please note: Wall space is used for extra support. This class previously aired on January 13, 2025.
This Vinyasa practice generates radiance by cultivating vitality and a genuine connection with your innate loving nature. The flow takes you all around your mat with lots of continuous, fluid movement, including Crescent Lunge, Skandasana (Side Lunge), Dancing Warrior, Standing Splits, Wild Thing, Dolphin, and an option for Forearm Balance, then round out with backbends and Reclined Cobbler’s Pose. This class previously aired on January 12, 2025.
Let the light of the Full Moon be your path to Full Power. This breath-led practice helps you turn up the volume within while flowing through a range of heart-opening postures. Start with Happy Baby variations, glide through Crescent Lunge, Pyramid, Lizard with a twist, Bow Pose, Hero Pose, and Wheel Pose, and then round out in Plough Pose and Shoulderstand. This class previously aired on January 11, 2025.
This Vinyasa practice helps you feel your own support, presence, and care as you enter a new year or new chapter. Enjoy varied Sun and Moon Salutations with strong standing postures and balances to infuse clarity into your being and breathe life into your intentions. Peak postures include Hanumanasana (Splits), Warrior III, Pigeon, and Krounchasana (Heron Pose). This class previously aired on January 11, 2025.
This Vinyasa class offers multiple options to match how you feel in this moment — a genuine act of self-care in motion. Start with myofascial release, then flow through Low Lunge with a twist, Runner’s Lunge, Pyramid, Warrior II, Side Plank, and Frog Pose, increasing intensity or adding rest as you need. This class previously aired on January 10, 2025.
Greet the morning feeling grounded and present in this Vinyasa flow with Tree Pose, Skandasana (Side Lunge), Wild Thing, Curtsy, Thread the Needle, and Happy Baby. Land in Savasana with an energized yet relaxed mindset that can permeate through your day. This class previously aired on January 10, 2025.
Focusing on both mobility and stability, this Vinyasa practice supports resilience in your entire trunk. In a steady flow with dynamic and intentional movements, you’ll explore your spine's full range of motion to enhance flexibility and build core strength. Poses include Low Lunge with side bends, Locust, Warrior II, Extended Side Angle, Side Plank, Pyramid, Revolved Triangle, and Puppy Pose. This class previously aired on January 9, 2025.
Cultivate clarity in your mind and freedom throughout your body in this Vinyasa practice that combines balancing postures and twists. Flow through Warrior III, Eagle Pose, balancing Figure Four, and Revolved Half Moon before landing in Pigeon feeling harmonious. This class previously aired on January 8, 2025.
Enrich your inner glow in this breath-led flow with Low Lunge variations, Warrior III, Camel Pose, Tree Pose, Bridge, and Happy Baby. Soak up Marc’s jungle rain background, and explore the ways that you can recharge your radiance. This class previously aired on January 8, 2025.
This mindful Vinyasa practice focuses on setting intentions and interacting with the world through a compassionate lens. Great for any time or day of the year, you’ll explore using mantra while flowing through Sun Salutations, Warrior II, Parsvakonasana (Side Angle), Trikonasana (Triangle), Half Moon, Skandasana (Side Lunge), and Lizard. Finish with a positive mindset, feeling completely reset. This class previously aired on January 7, 2025.
This morning-friendly practice aims to support your lower back and reduce tension, preparing you to approach the day feeling strong. In a steady flow, you’ll activate muscles in your core and glutes while tending to your lumbar spine and pelvis. Poses include Bridge variations, Cobra, High Crescent Lunge, Warrior III, Locust variations, Warrior II, and Bow variations. This class previously aired on January 7, 2025.