Flowing postures linked together using breath.
Vinyasa is a Sanskrit term often employed to describe a broad range of yoga styles. Vinyasa can be decoded from its root words Nyasa denoting "to place" and vi denoting "in a special way." It symbolizes a flowing, dynamic form of yoga, where postures are linked together using breath.
Build steady strength from the inside out in this mindful Vinyasa practice that uses simple but powerful postures and transitions. Expect long holds at key moments to increase your endurance! The flow includes Sun Salutation variations, Revolved Crescent, Side Plank, a fun balancing sequence with Warrior III, Crow Pose, and Half Moon, and a potent cool-down. This class previously aired on March 21, 2025.
This Vinyasa practice is designed to tap into your inner child, helping you access a sense of fluidity and playfulness on and off the mat. Flow through an energizing sequence with Tree Pose, Humble Warrior, Horizon Lunge, Flip Dog, and Dancing Shiva to finish with a light-hearted mindset. This class previously aired on March 21, 2025.
This breath-led practice rhythmically flows into a steady cadence. Enjoy a grounded, slow sequence with Cat/Cows, Revolved Low Lunge, Half Split, Seated Wide-Legged Forward Fold, upper body stretches, and supine glute stretches. This class previously aired on March 21, 2025.
This Vinyasa practice blends a strong hip-focused flow followed by deep, hip-releasing seated postures. You’ll wake up your body with Lunges and a Warrior sequence, then finish with sweet, restorative postures, like Parsva Upavistha Konasana (Wide-Angle Seated Forward Fold) and Pigeon Pose. This class previously aired on March 20, 2025.
Explore the practice of staying steadfast in the face of resistance in this backbend-focused flow that helps to cultivate resilience on and off the mat. The energizing flow is designed to increase the range of motion in your shoulders and hips for more ease and comfort in backbends. Postures include Bridge variations, Crescent Lunge, Eagle Pose, Camel Pose, Wheel Pose, and Lizard Pose variations. This class previously aired on March 20, 2025.
Open your hips and stretch your hamstrings in this focused flow that aims to leave your lower body feeling refreshed and tension-free. Enjoy a mild, relaxing sequence with Parsvottanasana (Pyramid Pose), Warrior II, Lizard, a quad stretch, Pigeon, and Supta Padangusthasana (Reclined Hand-To-Big-Toe Pose). This class previously aired on March 19, 2025.
This intentional flow uses the rhythm of the breath to guide movement and stillness. Expect a mindful balance of dynamic sequences and restful pauses to cultivate a sense of clarity, ease, and inner reset. Glide through Standing Side Bend, Lunge variations, Pigeon, Crow Pose, and Bridge with moments of open-mouth exhales to activate the parasympathetic nervous system and invite a grounding renewal. This class previously aired on March 19, 2025.
This uplifting Vinyasa practice blends empowering postures and dynamic movement for joy-filled energy. Flow through a continuous sequence with Side Plank variations, Sirsasana (Headstand), Ardha Chandra Chapasana (Bound Half Moon), and arm balances like Crow Pose and Tittibhasana (Firefly Pose), then finish with backbends, floor-based postures, and chanting. This class previously aired on March 18, 2025.
Cultivate mindfulness and grace in this Vinyasa flow that supports you in starting your day with good energy. You’ll focus on navigating transitions with skill in a lengthening and strengthening sequence with Lizard, Crescent Lunge, Warrior III, Eagle Pose, Camel Pose, and Seated Wide-Legged Forward Fold. This class previously aired on March 18, 2025.
Ignite your inner warrior and access your own lucky charm in this dynamic, creative practice. You’ll flow briskly through Warrior I, Skandasana (Side Lunge), Airplane Pose (a Warrior III variation), optional Handstand Hops, Half Moon, and Side Plank to finish feeling empowered and in the driver’s seat of your life. This class previously aired on March 17, 2025.
One key aspect of healthy aging is tuning into your body via strengthening and opening. This practice takes this mindset through a grounding, fortifying sequence that focuses on twists for detoxification — physically and spiritually — to metabolize circumstances with care and respect. Flow through twists in Down Dog, ab work in Plank, lower-body-strengthening standing postures and balances, hip openers, and Forearm Stand prep before finishing with backbends and a Yin-style posture. This class previously aired on March 17, 2025.
Access a deep expression of the backbending posture Natarajasana (Dancer Pose) — even in a short amount of time — with this thoughtful practice that engages your core and creates space in your upper body. Explore Supported Bridge with core work, shoulder openings, Dolphin, Salabhasana (Locust Pose), and High Lunge, then peak in Natarajasana before ending in Figure Four. This class previously aired on March 17, 2025.