Vinyasa yoga flows & sequences

Whether you’re just getting started or have lots of experience, Glo has classes at every level, in a diverse range of styles.

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Whether you’re just getting started or have lots of experience, Glo has classes at every level, in a diverse range of styles.

Vinyasa Flow

Flowing postures linked together using breath.

Vinyasa is a Sanskrit term often employed to describe a broad range of yoga styles. Vinyasa can be decoded from its root words Nyasa denoting "to place" and vi denoting "in a special way." It symbolizes a flowing, dynamic form of yoga, where postures are linked together using breath.


Level 2 30 mins

Embrace presence over perfection in this Vinyasa practice that helps you release the illusion that you must be perfect to feel worthy. By focusing on your breath and the present moment, you’ll remember you are enough just as you are. The energizing sequence includes Supine Twist, core work, Curtsy with Side Bends, Standing Splits, Humble Warrior, and Revolved Chair. This class previously aired on October 21, 2024.


Level 2-3 60 mins

This full-spectrum practice offers everything you need to strengthen and stretch your body. Expect a fast-paced flow with pauses for breath and focus, preparing you for meditation and beyond. Start with Chair Pose and standing postures, including Warriors, Standing Split, Bound Half Moon, and Revolved Triangle, leading into Camel Pose, hip openers, and Hanumanasana. Finish with ab work, Padmasana variations, and Wheel Pose. This class previously aired on October 21, 2024.


Level 2 30 mins

This strong Vinyasa flow cultivates resilience to support you in navigating challenges on and off the mat. You’ll build physical endurance and mental strength in a backbend-focused sequence emphasizing shoulder and hip mobility. Highlights include Low Lunge and Lizard variations, Eagle Pose, Puppy Pose, Wheel Pose, and Reclined Hand-To-Big-Toe Pose. This class previously aired on October 21, 2024


Level 2-3 30 mins

This class welcomes beginner to advanced practitioners, offering space, options, and guidance to create your own journey as you flow. Find your pace in a core-focused sequence with Malasana (Squat), Side Angle, Bird of Paradise, Skandasana (Side Lunge), and Revolved Half Moon. Get ready to introduce newness and challenge to your practice. This class previously aired on October 21, 2024.


Level 2 30 mins

As Elena says, “Creativity requires a steady foundation and open space.” This practice cultivates that grounding foundation and inner space in a strengthening, brisk-paced flow with lots of side-body openings, balances, and backbends. Postures include Dog to Plank, Side Plank, Standing Big Toe Pose, Bound Half Moon, Dhanurasana (Bow Pose), and Gomukhasana. This class previously aired on October 19, 2024.


Level 1 20 mins

This class doesn’t ask for much; it gives a lot. With slow, deep stretching and gentle movement, you’ll remind your body that it’s capable, helping to replenish your energy and feel better. Highlights include seated stretches, Wide-Angle Forward Fold, Lizard Lunge, and Half Split. This class previously aired on October 19, 2024.


Level 2 30 mins

This Vinyasa class encourages you to embrace wobbles and imperfections, helping you to be more kind to yourself on and off the mat. Enjoy a dynamic, playful flow with Thread the Needle, Side Plank, Skandasana (Side Lunge), Tree Pose, Camel Pose, Dancer Pose, Bow Pose, and Embryo Pose. This class previously aired on October 18, 2024.


Level 1-2 30 mins

Ease into your day with this mellow yet satisfying Vinyasa class. Flow through Sun Salutations, Tree Pose, Parsvakonasana (Side Angle), Half Moon, Ustrasana (Camel Pose), and Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose) to finish with clear, stable energy that lasts post-practice. This class previously aired on October 18, 2024.


Level 1-2 45 mins

This mild flow nourishes and renews your body by enhancing mobility in your shoulders and hips, then provides a balanced stretch to finish. Enjoy a steady pace through Gomukhasana variations, Low Lunge, Warrior II, Half-Bound Side Angle, Chair, Pigeon, and Firelog Pose. This class previously aired on October 17, 2024.


Level 2 30 mins

Feel the effects of a powerful practice in this Kundalini-Vinyasa blend that has every bit of breath and movement to boost your energy. Start with Breath of Fire and Sufi Grinds, move through Donkey Kicks with Ha Breath, Side Plank, Low Lunge, Archer Pose, Forward Fold, and Sa Ta Na Ma Mantra, then wind down with Camel Pose and twists. This class previously aired on October 16, 2024.


Level 2 30 mins

This Vinyasa practice guides you to offer yourself grace to ease into postures with the outcome of nourishing your body, calming your mind, and finding a sense of relief. You’ll focus on hip openers and hamstring lengtheners in a steady sequence of Sun Salutations, Warrior II, Side Angle, Trikonasana (Triangle), Parsvottonasana (Pyramid Pose), Temple Pose, Bridge, and Pigeon. This class previously aired on October 15, 2024.


Level 2 30 mins

Cultivate positive energy in this Vinyasa flow that creates a no-pressure, fluid practice without taking things too seriously. Enjoy an expressive sequence with arm variations in Chair Pose and Low Lunge, Crescent to Single-Leg Tadasana, Crow Pose, Dancer Pose, and Happy Baby. This class previously aired on October 15, 2024.

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