Prenatal Power Yoga: 3rd Trimester

Katie Baki teacher avatar
Level 2 - 10-30 min
Welcome to your third trimester! This program honors you and your baby’s needs while keeping you active. In these five classes, you’ll explore strength-building, stretching, and cardio elements to safely evolve your fitness and prepare for labor. Plus, enjoy a pelvic floor tutorial to support your well-being now, during childbirth, and beyond. As you navigate this final stretch, Katie journeys through pregnancy with you, helping you manage any new discomforts with trimester-specific modifications. You can revisit classes on high-energy days for a vigorous workout; we recommend repeating them weekly in your third trimester to create a familiar, trustworthy prenatal practice.
Welcome to your third trimester! This program honors you and your baby’s needs while keeping you active. In these five classes, you’ll explore strength-building, stretching, and cardio elements to safely evolve your fitness and prepare for labor. Plus, enjoy a pelvic floor tutorial to support your well-being now, during childbirth, and beyond. As you navigate this final stretch, Katie journeys through pregnancy with you, helping you manage any new discomforts with trimester-specific modifications. You can revisit classes on high-energy days for a vigorous workout; we recommend repeating them weekly in your third trimester to create a familiar, trustworthy prenatal practice.

Week 1


Level 1-2 10 mins

This tutorial explains how to perform a Pelvic Brace, which activates the transverse abdominals and pelvic floor, along with how to release these muscles. You’ll explore breath techniques, learn how to use a Pelvic Brace during functional hip-strengthening movements, and practice side-lying Pelvic Brace, Inverted Clamshells, External Hip Rotation Cranks, and Supported Happy Baby. This class is a continuation of Katie Baki’s 1st Trimester: Pelvic Floor & 360 Breathing class and 2nd Trimester: Pelvic Floor & Core Circuit. Please note: Prenatal yoga is for those who have a low-risk pregnancy and have gotten the green light from a doctor or midwife to practice. This class is specifically designed for the third trimester of pregnancy.


Level 2 20 mins

Full-body balance can be essential to prenatal and postnatal well-being, and this Prenatal Power Yoga class focuses on keeping the upper body strong to contribute to that balance. Flow through a prop-assisted, energizing sequence with modified Chaturanga, Anjaneyasana, Revolved Lunge, modified Side Plank, shoulder flossing, Warrior I, Warrior III, and Malasana. Katie encourages you to listen to your body, be gentle with yourself, and take as many breaks as you need. Please note: Prenatal yoga is for those who have a low-risk pregnancy and have gotten the green light from a doctor or midwife to practice. This class is specifically designed for the third trimester of pregnancy.


Level 2 20 mins

This Prenatal Power Yoga practice focuses on creating space — physically and mentally — while moving through a solid combination of strengthening and lengthening for your lower body. Flow through an energizing sequence with Chair, Wide-Legged Forward Fold, Goddess, Warrior II, Triangle, Extended Side Angle, Malasana, and Tabletop glute work to finish with a light sweat, feeling powerful. Katie encourages you to listen to your body, be gentle with yourself, and take as many breaks as you need. Please note: Prenatal yoga is for those who have a low-risk pregnancy and have gotten the green light from a doctor or midwife to practice. This class is specifically designed for the third trimester of pregnancy.


Level 2 30 mins

The third trimester of pregnancy is the time of preparing for the birthing experience, so keeping the body (especially the hips and pelvic floor) strong, open, and balanced is essential. Designed with this in mind, this practice safely stretches your entire body in a prop-assisted sequence with Melting Heart Pose, Anjaneyasana, Half Splits, adductor rocks, Triangle, Malasana, and supported hip rotations. Katie encourages you to listen to your body, be gentle with yourself, and take as many breaks as you need. Please note: Prenatal yoga is for those who have a low-risk pregnancy and have gotten the green light from a doctor or midwife to practice. This class is specifically designed for the third trimester of pregnancy.


Level 2 30 mins

This Prenatal Power Yoga practice works your entire body, focusing on strength-building while incorporating functional pelvic movements essential for pregnancy, labor, and delivery. You’ll warm up and build a sweat, then explore lengthening poses and mobilizing the three levels of your pelvis. The brisk, sweaty sequence includes Bird Dog, Anjaneyasana, High Lunge, Warrior III, Malasana, Bear Pose, Goddess, and Modified Side Plank. Katie encourages you to listen to your body, be gentle with yourself, and take as many breaks as you need. Please note: Prenatal yoga is for those who have a low-risk pregnancy and have gotten the green light from a doctor or midwife to practice. This class is specifically designed for the third trimester of pregnancy.

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