Take Online Classes with Elena Brower

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Become a Glo member today. With thousands of classes for every interest, experience level and schedule, all taught by world-class teachers, we make it easy to integrate yoga and meditation into your daily life.

Mother, mentor, poet, artist, volunteer, bestselling author, and host of the Practice You Podcast, Elena Brower graduated from Cornell University in 1992 and designed textiles and apparel for almost a decade before shifting her focus to yoga, meditation, writing, and art. Teaching asana since 1999, studying and practicing Zen meditation since 2020, she received the Buddhist Precepts from Roshi Joan Halifax at Upaya Zen Center in 2023. Now a candidate for Buddhist Chaplaincy, Elena offers her time in hospice and penitentiary settings as well as facilitating grief counseling for children.

Her books, Art of Attention, Practice You, Being You, and Softening Time walk us through stages of practice, life, and listening. Elena's Perceptive Parenting audio course is a key resource for parents; her signature course, Simplify, serves hundreds in reimagining priorities in order to experience more fulfillment and meaning every day. Her spoken word poetry can be heard on Above & Beyond's Flow State albums, for which she's received an RIAA-certified Gold Record for her writing on "Don't Leave." Elena works to elevate bright futures for girls, women, and children through her support for Girls on Fire Leaders, On The Inside, and Free Food Kitchen.

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Level 2-3 60 mins

This full-spectrum practice offers everything you need to strengthen and stretch your body. Expect a fast-paced flow with pauses for breath and focus, preparing you for meditation and beyond. Start with Chair Pose and standing postures, including Warriors, Standing Split, Bound Half Moon, and Revolved Triangle, leading into Camel Pose, hip openers, and Hanumanasana. Finish with ab work, Padmasana variations, and Wheel Pose. This class previously aired on October 21, 2024.


Level 2 30 mins

As Elena says, “Creativity requires a steady foundation and open space.” This practice cultivates that grounding foundation and inner space in a strengthening, brisk-paced flow with lots of side-body openings, balances, and backbends. Postures include Dog to Plank, Side Plank, Standing Big Toe Pose, Bound Half Moon, Dhanurasana (Bow Pose), and Gomukhasana. This class previously aired on October 19, 2024.


Level 2-3 45 mins

This Vinyasa practice features a strong, continuous flow with lots of hip openers and some fun twists. In honor of the Full Hunter Moon, you’ll embrace this time to gather resources, thoughts, and learnings while turning inward. Postures include Wide-Legged and Forward Fold variations, Parivrtta Utkatasana (Revolved Chair), backbends, and ab work. This class previously aired on October 14, 2024.

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