Yoga, meditation, Pilates and fitness styles & traditions to complement your practice.

Whether you’re just getting started or have lots of experience, Glo has classes at every level, in a diverse range of styles.

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Whether you’re just getting started or have lots of experience, Glo has classes at every level, in a diverse range of styles.

Yoga Nidra

Reclined, guided meditation practices for relaxation and sleep prep

Nidra is a Sanskrit word meaning "sleep." Traditionally, "Yogic Sleep" was a state of consciousness more deep and restorative than sleep. While it originally focused on the four states of consciousness, Yoga Nidra is now most commonly used to fall asleep, stay asleep, or supplement an afternoon nap and is especially beneficial for those who experience sleep trouble. Yoga Nidra began as a specific set of guided meditations and has grown to include almost any form of reclined guided relaxation — practice while lying down so you can unwind and sink in more than when seated.


Level 1 30 mins

This practice provides space for deep rest and helps lessen any tension that keeps you feeling "stuck." Settle into Savasana and then enjoy guided relaxation to explore the concept of freedom and how to let go of constraints often created in the mind. As Ali says, “To be free is to find that place of wholeness within.” This class previously aired on May 30, 2024.


Level 1 30 mins

Invite more freedom, joy, and connection into your world with this Yoga Nidra practice that focuses on the concept of detachment. Settle into Savasana and follow a guided relaxation that taps into frequencies of your consciousness to increase awareness of your relationship with “receiving versus resisting” in different areas of your life. This class previously aired on May 1, 2024.


Level 1 30 mins

This reflective Yoga Nidra practice works with Full Moon energy, a potent time to go inward for personal and spiritual growth. Sink into Savasana and follow a guided relaxation that heightens your subconscious for more clarity to co-create the life you envision. This class previously aired on April 24, 2024. This is the final class in our four-class Lunar Luminations Series, which guides you to work with all four moon phases thematically and energetically. See the class list below, and search for Marc’s existing New and Full Moon classes to complement this series. Class air dates from this series: Lunar Luminations: Release & Reflect Restorative — April 3, 2024 Lunar Luminations: Fiery New Moon Flow — April 10, 2024 Lunar Luminations: Expansive Power Yoga — April 17, 2024 Lunar Luminations: Embrace Fullness Within Nidra — April 24, 2024


Level 1 30 mins

While it may seem counterintuitive to pause when you’re feeling inundated with responsibilities, this Yoga Nidra practice embraces rest to direct your focus so that you’re calm and capable of handling anything that comes your way. Settle into Savasana and enjoy guided relaxation that helps to release feelings of overwhelm. This class previously aired on April 18, 2024.


Level 1 45 mins

This Yoga Nidra explores how courage and contentment can help you through challenges and stay open to all possible outcomes. In Savasana, enjoy guided relaxation and drop into deep rest. Then, call in courage to follow your heart’s desire and find contentment in the process of self-discovery. This class previously aired on February 22, 2024.


Level 1 20 mins

This Yoga Nidra practice guides you into a state of deep relaxation. You'll drift into the present moment and learn a technique to feel more empowered and equipped to handle life’s challenges. Settle into Savasana, then follow a steady body scan before entering a visualization that enhances your self-trust. This class previously aired on January 16, 2024.


Level 1 15 mins

This Yoga Nidra guides you to explore the space between waking consciousness and blissful awareness while focusing on the Root Chakra and your breath. Practice finding a deep state of consciousness (“Yogic Sleep”) that is truly restorative. This class previously aired on November 1, 2023.


Level 1 20 mins

This Yoga Nidra explores how listening can enrich your engagement with life. Marc says, “It’s in our listening that our reality is created and lived.” In this practice, work on strengthening your awareness of the lens through which you listen, then take this awareness with you for the rest of your day. This class previously aired on September 6, 2023.


Level 1 20 mins

With guided imagery and a body scan, this Yoga Nidra brings your attention to the present moment while exploring insight into what it feels like to be held and be a part of the tapestry of life. You’ll find relaxation and feel replenished upon finishing. This class previously aired on August 1, 2023.


Level 1 30 mins

This Yoga Nidra allows natural filtering to flow. Follow relaxing guidance to observe and acknowledge your thoughts with no added meaning or stories to create space and finish with a clear mind. Come with curiosity to be available to intuitive insights. This class previously aired on July 12, 2023.


Level 1 30 mins

Welcome to Marc’s Pathway To Self Series, which amplifies the qualities that make you YOU. Through each class of this series, you’ll use the practice to recognize and honor your unique essence. In this fourth class, follow the guidance of Yoga Nidra to relax deeply. In this state of relaxation, you’ll explore how your mind, emotions, body, and actions are all connected. This class previously aired on May 24, 2023.


Level 1 30 mins

With the thoughtfulness of this Yoga Nidra, ponder your relationship to ego and the illusions of the word “I.” Lie down in a supportive Savasana, then relax through cues that guide you to dive into the subtleties of yourself. This class previously aired on May 8, 2023.

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